WIAP Featured on KHOL
Sitting on their family couch in Teton Valley, Cristy Liaw Gabel talked to her 4-year-old son, speaking in Indonesian.
Liaw Gabel’s story sounds like that of many who’ve moved to the Tetons.
“Originally I thought, I’m only going to live here for a year,” Liaw Gabel said. “Sixteen years later, I’m still here.”
But for a while, Liaw Gabel wasn’t sure if she’d be able to stay at all. She’s from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. And when she first came to Jackson to be near her sister and work in finance at St. Johns Health, she received a deportation letter over some incorrect paperwork. She only had 60 days to figure it out.
Old Bill’s Fun Run 2023
Thanks to everyone who supported us through the 26th annual Old Bill’s Fun Run! We look forward to sharing information about the 2024 Old Bill’s Fun Run as soon as it’s available. In the meantime, we are continuing to work toward our initial fundraising goals in order to begin operations as soon as possible. You can support WIAP year-round by contributing here.